Women are shaving their faces and they LOVE it!

We don't know how long humans have been shaving themselves. The theory by most scientists is shaving was invented by the ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian culture associated hair with barbarians and wild animals. The Egyptians considered themselves sophisticated and civilized and thus developed an obsession around grooming and hair removal. 

Modern Japan is another culture that has a similar affinity for hair removal. It is common for women to shave not only their legs, but their arms and faces as well. 

Some say that facial shaving is the Japanese secret to flawless skin. 

While I wouldn't go as far to label them "obsessed," American women have caught wind of this secret and have embraced it with open arms.

Shaving has come a long way since its birth, with the most recent trend in the states being dermaplaning.

Dermaplaning is often compared to shaving, but is way better and provides similar benefits as microdermabrasion. Throughout this article I will explain in detail how and why this service is becoming so popular. 

What I can tell you now, is that women are leaving their treatment sessions with baby soft, supple skin. No more peach fuzz, diminished fine lines and wrinkles, improved skin tone and texture.  

It's no wonder dermaplaning is taking the skincare industry in America by storm!

So what is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a maximum exfoliation method where a surgical blade is gently stroked along the skin removing dead skin cells and vellus facial hair. 

If you're like, "wtf is this?!" and perhaps slightly frightened of that blade - DON'T BE! Focus rather on all that dead skin! Dermaplaning does not hurt, but it does give you a fantastic exfoliation!

If you're like, "wtf is this?!" and perhaps slightly frightened of that blade - DON'T BE! Focus rather on all that dead skin! Dermaplaning does not hurt, but it does give you a fantastic exfoliation!


Dermaplaning works in a similar fashion as microdermabrasion as it targets the superficial layers of the skin (epidermis.)

Unlike a microdermabrasion, dermaplaning removes peach fuzz from the face, leaving the skin feeling smooth and baby soft. 

Dermaplaning is not like shaving with a disposable razor, and is not a treatment you can perform at home. Only a professionally trained provider should perform dermaplaning.

The use of a sterilized surgical blade allows for a deeper exfoliation and more precise treatment of the skin compared to even the sharpest home razor.

Contrary to popular belief, dermaplaning is a pain-free process. That said, I must again iterate the importance of seeing a professionally-trained provider.

What is a dermaplaning service like?

The first step of a dermaplaning is a deep cleansing of the skin. 

I prefer an oil-based cleanser prior to dermaplaning since this will not strip the skin of the acid mantle. 

(The acid mantle is a naturally secreted protective barrier made up of different oils, acids, and fatty acids.)

Next, a relaxing hot towel is used to remove the cleanser.

At this point, an oil may be applied to the skin to allow the blade easier movement and glide. 

(Some spas prefer to strip the acid mantle completely before dermaplaning, but I have found that removal of hair is more difficult and less dead skin is removed.)

The skin is held taut and the blade is gently stroked at a 45 degree angle, removing unwanted dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz.)

You will notice your practitioner will change angles throughout the service to accomodate varying degrees of curvature and bone structure of the face. 

She may also change blades occasionally, as the removal of hair dulls the tip. 

Another hot towel will be applied to the face to remove any residual skin cells and hair. (And really, we just love hot towel services because, duh!)

One of the primary benefits of dermaplaning is that product penetration is significantly increased. Hint: products work way better!

At my salon, we apply a serum or a light peel after to enhance the benefits of the service. 

The treatment will then be finished with a nourishing moisturizer, protective or anti aging serum, and SPF. 

Why should I get dermaplaning?

The benefits of dermaplaning are vast and after as little as one treatment, you will understand why it is so addicting. 

Benefits of dermaplaning:

  1. Improves skin texture.
  2. Removes vellus hair and dead skin cells. 
  3. Increases product penetration and efficacy (they work better!)
  4. Promotes cellular turnover (your anti aging BFF.)
  5. Reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
  6. Reduce acne occurrence.
  7. Makeup application is smooth and flawless. 
  8. Your face feels like a babies butt.
  9. Brightens skin and improves tone. 
  10. Safe for those with sensitive skin or rosacea. 

One of the best things about dermaplaning is that your skin instantly feels better. And there's no down time, to boot!

I do not advise that you touch your skin after, but trust - you won't want to keep your hands off your face!

Dermaplaning is the best alternative for clients who are not candidates for microdermabrasion, or those with sensitive skin and issues like rosacea. 

While a great alternative for clients with limitations, it is a fabulous service (in general) for all skin types. 


debunking the shaving myths.

But shaving will make my hair thicker, you say. 

But shaving will make my hair darker, you say. 

But that's all wrong, I say. 

The idea that shaving makes your hair grow back thicker or dark is a load of crapola. All a bunch of myth. 

Here's why:

Over time, the hair follicle changes. Age, stressors, and hormones change how long, how thick, and how dark your hair is. 

No form of shaving directly interacts with the hair follicle itself, therefore has no power or control to affect it. 

Dermaplaning has absolutely no control over how thick, dark, or often your hair grows. 

Only hormonal changes caused by age, atmosphere, and stress have this power. 

As far as the hair appearing more thick, this is only because the tip of the hair is blunt after you shave.

Once that follicle has shed and produces a new hair, the blunt end will be no more. 

Who should not get dermaplaning?

As stated previously, dermaplaning is safe for all skin types and particularly for those with sensitive skin or conditions such as rosacea. 

However, there are instances in which dermaplaning is not the service for you. 

Dermaplaning contraindications:

  1. An allergy to nickel. 
  2. Numerous raised lesions on the skin. 
  3. Inflamed acne. 
  4. Use of Accutane within 6 months of treatment. 

Dermaplaning is recognized as a generally safe treatment. It is great for women who are pregnant or nursing and still wish to receive a deep exfoliation. 

If none of the above contraindications apply, you are good to go for receiving a dermaplaning session!

Here's to happy, healthy skin!

If you are still not convinced, or have more questions, please comment below!



Allison Bingham